This reminded me of this passage from 'This idea must die': I like that the researcher notes we're not really able to isolate something like crime from context and any attempts to do so will result less in a solution than in a new way of framing the problem that will maybe give us new insight but also new blindspots. I personally hypothesize (my flawed framing;) that high levels of inequality contribute to this because we construct a hierarchy of 'rightness' that introduces flawed framing. Anything that is a privilege in one environment quickly becomes an unexplored vulnerability in a different environment, and hierarchies built on flawed framing or just rigid hierarchies in general can introduce this unexplored vulnerability into the system through eliminating needed humility. I'm not sure of the best solution, but I try to at least remember I'm not going to be the source of that solution for reasons not readily apparent to me but maybe visible to others so I should probably listen to them.