Member-only story
Att ana ugglor i mossen
Art like so many industries these days and ailleurs is inbred. If you aren’t from the Société Générale of a particular format of creative expression, it’s going to take you an unbelievable amount of time, effort, and luck to worm your way into a salary of note — especially since the MeToo movement is fucking with sleeping your way into a more lucrative position.
Some nations are playing coy though — like the Swedes. They buy our data from companies (to whom we give our tastes and specific desires for free) and use devil math to manufacture mediocre music that American distribution rockets to the almost top of the charts before selling licensing rights back to the industry that mined us for initial insights.
It’s the circle the life.
And it will never end because copyright provides a real afterlife (as opposed to the one you’re hoping is not real because we all know very few of us are as good as we’d have to be to make it into anything remotely rewarding post-death. Ashes to ashes, puh-leeze!)
The EU is looking to play a role in this cycle, and not just because eurocrat kids aren’t always capable of independently earning the cash required to maintain the lifestyle to which many have become accustomed and thus must default to making deals and selling their, ahem, ‘artistic oeuvres’ to companies anxious to curry favor or to ensure an income stream from fat eurocrats keen to see their kids succeed.